Tamaki Intermediate School careers expo
Over the last few week’s Tamaki Intermediate School were studying about career’s which meant that student’s had to read about that certain career, Interview people who work as that job or in that company and put together a board about what they have learnt to show children, parents and other people of the community what they have done. This was because Tamaki Intermediate School were holding a career’s expo.
It all started when we were chosen into groups of 3 or 4, we were told to give 3 job titles that interested us. Then picked the 1 job that best suited our wishes. Our group was made out of 3 very smart and knowledgeable students from room 3. Our career that we had to study was an Architect. As a group we planned how we were going to research this certain career, which person was going to find out what and what we were going to research about.
We decided what we needed to research, they were: Yearly Salary, Day on the job of an Architect, Image’s of buildings, Interview a Trained Architect, Education Pathway (what subject you could take at college and what grades you have to get ect.), what you have to be good at and lastly a description of an Architect.
Moving on to researching those main point’s we came across some very interesting facts about Architect’s. Some very weird but smart image’s of building’s/structure’s. This researching didn’t take long at all we ticked off everything on the checklist but the Interview. So back on the computer’s we went looking at different company’s website’s seeing if there were any email’s we could send a questionnaire sheet to. We came across none, so we had a look in the yellow page’s looking under Architect’s and Architecture we found upon 2 email’s , wrote those down and sent them the sheet, NO reply. “Never mind!” said Sariah our Leader of the group.
Next came the presentation of our work, we had printed out everything we had collected all we needed was to glue them onto the board’s that we were given.
Our neighbour’s from room 4 lent us some Lego, with that Lego we had to design a building, then make a blue print and put it together. We as a group decided we would make a School for disabled children. That sounded pretty hard but what ever we wanted to do we could do it if we set our minds to it. It was helpful that there were ramps and lots of smooth tiles, while we built the structure; Sosaia was working on the blue print!! When we had finished everything I was so pleased not only with our group but our whole class, I thought we had all done a wonderful job!!
On Wednesday (the day that the expo started) we brought all of work to the hall were the expo was being held. In the afternoon it was our class’s turn to look at all the work all the classes had done. I was amazed with all the effort the whole school had done.
At 3:00 there was an expo held in the hall for who ever wanted to come for free. We had presenter’s of each career there who answered questions that they asked, and presented their board them. Over all the expo was very fun. The end!!