
Friday, 29 June 2012

Matariki Festival.

This year on the 21st of June there was a celebration in New Zealand which has the name Matariki. We celebrate this because it is the traditional Maori New Year.  Matariki is the Maori name for a group of stars also known as the Pleiads star cluster or Seven Sisters. You can see these stars at early dawn on when on high ground in parts of NZ. 

This year our school was going to hold a Matariki Festival.

 We were going to have games and competitions!  As well we were to present our own class item. For Room 12 we were singing Ka poioi . Leading up to the day of the festival we all practiced our song and for some students learnt our Brain Drain answers and the method to play string games. Finally the day came and I was all excited to see what other classes had to show. This was a competition if you remember me saying so there was a judge to decide who would win every activity.

 First off was Room 8's perfomance. They had put together a very informative slide show about Matariki and in the end sang a peaceful maori song which included the tune of Beyonce's Halo. Our turn next Room 12 , we ran up the stairs a bit nervous but ready to sing. Our own class member was playing gutair and helped us keep in time and in tune so thanks Irasa. Last but not least was Room 7 and sang some well known songs pretty good. Names Tihei Mauri Ora and a Prince Tui Teka E Ipo.

After that I went  to the School Library to be tested on the answers about Matariki for Brain Drain. There were some very competitive people who were eager to answer as many questions as asked which would raise points. At the end room 12 were named  the winners the other teams were really good but you cant waste time when there was a 10 second time limit to answer.

I walked into the hall with Tatiana and saw laughter and loudness while students were still competing in string games. We sat down and asked who was winning? The white board in the corner of the hall was very satisfying to say that we were coming second, following us was Room 8 and in the lead was Room 7.  I kind of knew it was going to happen though. Luckily Mrs. Bailey the organizer of this school event  had said she would take points of because of behaviour.

We were informed about the winning class at the next School Assembly and were giving a prize.  I really enjoyed Matariki this year inside and outside of school. Having a succesful Festival and enjoying celebrations with my whanau. This is what Matariki is about!

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