
Friday 29 June 2012

DARE Recount

This term we had a very friendly constable officer come to our school to teach us about drugs, alcohol and the law.DARE stands for Drug Alcohol Resistance Education.  For two long weeks each second day Constable Taina Karaka would come into our class room and enjoyingly taught us. I looked forward to Taina coming because even though she was telling us terrible things that can or have happened it is really important to know these things. We were giving a question box for people to ask question they don't fell comfortable about asking in person to put it in there. Some people were stupid though and asked dumb questions.  We saw the bad effects of drugs. Pictures of what addicts have turned into. The classes of drugs Class A being the most harmful and Class C being just harmful.  Taina had put together slide shows or power points about Drugs, alcohol and bad behavior which can put you away into jail.  Through out this class of dare I have really enjoyed myself and have learnt so much. I know this will help me in the future.

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